Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy girl back!!

woooo..I went though the pressure and I am back!!!!
I was so unhappy last week because too much pressure. But everything finally finished on time! I feel so happy now. I want to say sorry everybody, because I am not transparency actually. Although, I still believe my poem is good..doesn't it?


Today, I recived 30 questions that I have to answer from my net friend. It is like a game, once you recive the questions you have to answer 29 of them, the one left which is the question you don't want to answer, and you have to create a new one to replace it. After you answer all those questions, you can pass those questions to your friends.

Here are the questions:
1.What is your most enjoy thing?
2. Do you think a broke up couple are still friends?
3.How do you know you are fall in love with someone?
4.What's your hatest thing?
5. Do you believe any promise?
6.What is your biggest wish now?
7.What do you want from your friends?
8.Do you like me?
9. Tell us a place you really want to go.
10.What is your problem currently?
11. Which part do you hate yourself mostly?
12.What kind of gift(ability) you want?
13.What is your happiest thing currently?
14.What do you do if you are upset?
15.What kind of life do you wish to have?
16.If I upset you, what are you going to do with me?
17.What is your favoure food?
18.How do you show your love to your lover?
19. Is that possible to forgive your enermy? How?
20.What kind of thing you appriciate to have?
21.How's your lover's personality?
22.If your Ex-girl (boy)friend come back to you, will you be with them?
23.What kind of words you don't want to hear while you are upset?
24.What sort of things you can't accept?
25.If your partner don't love you any more, but you still love her/him, what are you gonna to do?
26.Do you loving someone?
27.Make 3 wishes.
28.What things do you think they won't be change and you have to accept.
29.Would you like to pour water in a glass cup or a china cup?
30.You like boys or girls?

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